This week's comment is a follow up of last week's "The connection between hurricanes, disasters and abortion." Most of the following is also taken from the book "God's Final Warning to America" by John McTernan.
With over 44,000,000 babies aborted since the 1973 Supreme Court Decision, John McTernan writes:
"America is fast approaching the last innocent child in the womb to be killed; the last child to be molested or abused; the last Gay Pride Day; the last vile pornographic book; the last act of adultery; the last divorce; the last violent crime; the last drug deal; the last lie to be told to our youth by such groups as Planned Parenthood. America is rushing headlong into a confrontation with God.
In the past, Americans honored God and His Word, and God greatly blessed the country. Today, America is the enemy of God. Many Americans still have the appearance of religion, but their heart is gone astray from God. True faith in Jesus Christ will put the resolve back in Americans that is needed to stand against the forces which are destroying this once-great nation. Honoring God's Word is the anchor of truth that Americans desperately need.
If God destroyed America tomorrow, He could not be accused of being harsh. His patience has allowed over 44,000,000 babies to be killed. America has been fully warned.
God has warned in the Bible that He will destroy nations for the sin that America is now practicing and condoning. He has warned through those who stand for righteousness. This would include the various aspects of the pro-life movement. He has warned through awesome natural disasters that have coincided with abortion related events. God truly loves America, but the unrepentant sin of America demands that He must judge.
My heart's desire is that the Church of Jesus Christ will awaken, and spiritual life and power from God's Holy Spirit will come into it. This awakening of the church will then spread to the entire country and multitudes will turn to Jesus Christ from destructive and sinful lifestyles. My heart's desire is that America will stop the wholesale slaughter of innocent children in the womb. My heart's desire is that America will repent of this course of national suicide and confrontation with the living God, and judgment will be stayed. Judgment will only be stayed as individuals like yourself turn to Jesus Christ and live with resolve according to His Word."
Abortion is the most evil crime of all. A parent, or parents, killing their own baby. There is a poem written by a man (Mr. Brennan) on the way home after attending the January 22, 1992, annual March For Life in Washington, D.C.
We came forth from many quarters,
one hundred thousand strong,
to focus our nation's conscience
on a gross and serious wrong.
Nearly thirty million children
were aborted from the womb,
a plastic bag their only shroud,
a garbage bag their tomb.
No comrades fought on either flank
no sword or shield did fend.
Their nation left them on their own.
Alone they met their end.
No caisson bore them to their grave,
less friends and floral too.
For them no flag was flown half-mast.
For them no bugle blew.
We weep for this our nation,
which feeds upon its youth,
for its eyes are sadly blinded
to equality and truth.
We pray for this our nation:
May this bloody slaughter cease,
so our God who gave it freedom
may restore to it His peace.
By George Konig
October 2, 2005
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