A long article was sent to me of a presentation made on Oct 1, 2005 by Bill Moyers. I’m not familiar with Mr. Moyers, but his presentation leaves a lot to be desired.
Bill Moyers - a journalist who was host of the PBS program NOM, addressed the annual convention of the Society of Environmental Journalists in Austin, Texas, on Oct. 1, 2005.
He says 30 years ago, things were optimistic for the emerging environmental movement. He believed there would be a third American Revolution, in those days, - the "Green Revolution" for a healthy, safe and sustainable future. The first two revolutions being, our independence as a nation, and the promise of civil rights to all Americans. He believed that we would face up to the greatest ecological challenge in human history and conquer it with clean renewable energy, efficient transportation, and agriculture, and non-toxic protection of our forests, oceans, grasslands and wetlands.
Sounds great - right? But it didn’t work out that way, and he calls the United States a backslider in the problem. And that our government and corporate elites have turned against American environmental visionaries, and have blamed the environmental movement itself for the failure of the Green Revolution.
He then goes on to say the religious right is partly to blame for the failure of this revolution. He also uses such terms as "and homegrown Ayatollahs are more set on savaging gay people than saving the green earth" (just what the heck does that mean?) Another dramatic phrase he uses "I felt the knife's edge." He goes on with many derogatory statements against Christians, and even takes a shot at the American Cancer Society, for being tied in with several Chemical Companies by a public relations firm who uses former CIA, FBI, and drug enforcement officers to conduct investigations for big business. (I knew the CIA and FBI would get in here somewhere).
He blames the president of the United States for global warming, by not taking action. (But he doesn’t say what action to take). He talks about how the rate of melting sea ice for the last four years is reaching a dangerous stage, and that it has to be reversed (but he doesn’t say how). He then continues to berate the President, Christians, Pastors, Preachers and the Republican party. In fact he keeps attacking Christians in his presentation and condemns them for being guided by the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and not by the newest IPCC report. (whatever that is). He wants to know how he can "reach fundamentalist Christians who doubt evolution. How can I get them to hear me?"
Well pal, let me tell you - you can’t! Not by insulting them, making fun of the Bible, and by your childish and boringly long article.
In the first place your so-called scientists who can prove evolution are dwindling at a fast rate. A few years ago only 20 percent of scientists believed in Creation - today it’s closer to 50 percent. In the 2nd place your continued attack on Christians is not the way to make your point. Because I sure don’t know of any Christians who attack people for trying to save the planet. In the 3rd place, you come across as a "whiner" and a "finger pointer." You blame the defunct and failed Green Revolution, not on your own inadequate effectiveness, but on the President, Christians, corporations, the CIA, the FBI, etc. Mr. Moyer, you are a whiner and a finger pointer - not a fighter. In the 4th place you never come up with a solution in your presentation to the environmental problems. In the 5th place, if you had read the Bible instead of making fun of it - you would realize all those ills you have forecasted for our planet - were already forecasted by Jesus, and the Old Testament prophets. Everybody who reads the Bible knows about the "roaring seas" the "scorching sun" and the increase of disasters in the End Times. And your article just helps to prove it.
Now Mr. Moyer - if you want to help in solving the pollution and global warming problems - Then I suggest you stop feeling sorry for yourself, roll up your sleeves and get on your knees and pray to God to help solve these problems.
Another interesting point you made, is how good things looked in 1970, and then went downhill the last 30 years. What a coincidence! Right after the Roe vs. Wade decision in 1973, things went downhill. Read our comment on 09/25/05 "The Hurricane, Disaster and Abortion Connection", and see how our "Social Health", which was at a peak in 1973, also went completely down since then. Ever since our government made abortions legal, the Social Health of our country is down, and the frequency and intensity of disasters including Hurricanes and Greenhouse effect, are up.
As we said in that comment "yes God is love - but don’t kill His children - you will then see His wrath." We are seeing His wrath, and your article further proves it.
But being that you never mention God in your presentation, I don’t expect you to understand that. I’m sure you are far too intellectual to believe in some religion, started by a carpenter's son and a few fishermen some 2000 years ago, could solve your problems.
By George Konig
October 16, 2005
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