Factors that show a Divine Creator Designed our earth and Universe

There are so many factors that prove our planet earth did not happen by chance, it's ridiculous to think otherwise. Here are just a few I found in the book Creation, Remarkable Evidence of God's Design by Grant R. Jeffrey:

"The size of the Earth is vital for life to exist. A much smaller planet would not have the gravitational pull to retain the water and atmosphere essential to life. A smaller Earth would produce a much thinner atmosphere that would diminish our protection from the thousands of meteors that daily assault our planet. The thinned atmosphere would produce less protection from the sun, causing the temperature to rise till life could not flourish. A much larger planet would have a much more powerful gravitational field that would greatly increase the weight of every creature, making life almost impossible...

If our Earth were located much farther away from our Sun, we would experience temperatures such as the minus 70 degrees F measured on the planet Mars, and we would freeze. If the Earth were much closer to the Sun, then we would have temperatures like the extremely hot surface of Mercury or the 860 degree temperature on Venus, and we would burn up.

Our earth's circular orbit is very unusual and it makes life possible on our home planet. All of the other planets in the solar system have elliptical orbits that take them much further away from the Sun for part of their orbit and much closer to the Sun for the other part of their orbit. If our Earth followed an elliptical orbit as the other planets in our solar system do, life would be impossible because it would be too cold for part of the year and far too hot the other part of the year. Our unique circular orbit keeps us 93 million miles from the Sun, precisely the right distance to maintain the temperature range conducive to life.

Our Earth is tilted from an upright position at a 23 degree inclination. This tilt provides for the seasonal variation that allows such a wide variety of crops to feed life. This 23 degree tilt prevents the North and South Poles from becoming too cold and moderates the high temperatures at the Equator. It has been estimated that almost half of the Earths surface would become uninhabitable without the tilt of the Earth. Without the tilt, less than half of the present land used for cultivation of crops would grow vegetables.

The earth rotates at 1,002 miles per hour, which allows our planet to rotate completely once every twenty-four hours. If our planet did not rotate, then one half of the stationary Earth facing the Sun would become so hot that no vegetation or any life could possibly survive. The side of the non-rotating planet facing away from the Sun would be so cold that life could not exist.

Why does everything in our universe, from galaxies to our solar system, orbit at precisely the correct velocity to perfectly counterbalance the force of gravity? If the velocity of our solar systems planets or our massive, revolving Milky Way galaxy, with its 300+ billion stars, was slightly less than the force of gravity, then the various components would rapidly be drawn by gravity toward the center of the system. This would result in each system's collapse and destruction. If the velocity of each orbiting system were slightly greater than gravity, the components would fly apart into space, thus destroying each system. When we consider the remarkable balance between velocity and gravity that exists in billions of systems throughout the Universe, we are forced to admit that there is no reason why this elaborately tuned and balanced system should exist unless a divine Creator supernaturally designed it. A precise controlling power is thus demonstrated to be holding together every astronomical system throughout the known universe.

The atmosphere of the Earth is composed of precisely the right gases necessary for life to flourish. In addition these gases exist in precisely the correct ratio to facilitate the complex biological processes that are essential for the enormously complex demands of plant and animal life as well as for humans. The atmosphere is composed of 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen, a small amount of other gases, and water. Sigmund Brouwer wrote, in his book "The Unrandom Universe", that the odds against this essential atmosphere together with the water cycle forming on Earth by random chance alone are approximately one chance in a hundred trillion trillion. "

These are just some of the scientific facts that points to a divine Creator designing and maintaining our universe. I don’t know how there could be a belief, that there is anything but God, creating the universe and holding our lives in His hands right now.

By George Konig
February 5, 2005

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