No other book in the world has been attacked more frequently and more fiercely than the Bible, yet no other book has printed more copies, in more languages, and endured for so long, with great popularity, than the Bible.
If there was ever a classic story line of the good guy winning in the end, it is of Christ rising from the dead and coming back to set up His kingdom on earth. Some of the following is taken from a book called "Bible Panorama" by Terry Hall.
The Bible gives a central focus on Jesus Christ, with the Old Testament looking forward to His coming-and the New Testament looking for His coming again. This book had to be inspired by God to have at least 40 different authors, in about 20 occupations, living in 10 countries spanning about 6000 miles, and written in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek.
There are 73 books in the Catholic Bible, and 66 in the King James translation. (The extra 7 books are mostly histories).
The King James translation has 1,189 chapters. If you read three chapters a day, six days a week, and four chapters on Sunday, you will read the entire Bible in less than one year’s time.
There is a cast of 2,930 different characters. There are 1,551 geographical sites mentioned as scenes of the action. The Bible has every conceivable subject included in every literary form (poetry, prose, romance, mystery, biography, science, history, etc).
The Bible has been recorded with at least 10 different media from papyrus to rocks, pen to chisel, leather to clay. There is about 1500 years between the first author, Moses, to the last author John. Not counting the Book of Job, which might have been written about 2000 BC.
The Bible tells of one true eternal God, the source of all life and good. It also tells of one diabolical head of the force of darkness. It tells of man’s inability to remain faithful to God, even under ideal conditions. It tells us Salvation from damnation comes only as a gift from God, and is received by an individual’s faith. Salvation is never earned.
Only God could have given such a book so marked by consistency and lacking any unsolvable contradiction. Read any part of it, and you encounter the plan of God, the person of Jesus Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit.
By George Konig
Christian Internet Forum
October 12, 2003
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